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101 things in your attic that could be worth a lot of money

79. Pikachu Pokemon Card Illustrator

Manufacturer: nintendo 
original price: Free
Value today: $54.970*

Called “The Holy Grail” of the Pokemon world, the Pikachu Illustrator is the most valuable card in existence from the Poke-verse. The Pokemon card costs millions, which is ironic, as it didn't cost the recipient a dime. The Illustrator card was awarded as a prize in a competition for artists who came up with the best Pokemon fan art.

Pikachu Illustrator Pokemon Card @TCGCardSearch / Twitter.com

The text printed on the letter is a congratulatory message for the winners. The Pikachu Illustrator Card is priced due to its rarity; only a few dozen were printed. The Japanese magazine ChoirChoir held the competition that produced them in 1998.

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