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101 things in your attic that could be worth a lot of money

176. Original Walkman

Manufacturer: sony
original price: US$ 150*
Worth today: US$ 500*

The Sony Walkman was a classic. Released in 1979, the original Walkman cost US$ 150 at the time. Now, the originals are resold on auction sites for triple that amount for fans of old technology. The portable cassette player was revolutionary at the time, and just about anyone who grew up in the 80s and 90s remembers the Walkman fondly.

Original Walkman $500 @Gunther Kleinert / Gettyimages.com

The TPS-L2 Walkman was the first low-cost personal cassette player. Japan got it first (which makes sense considering Sony is a Japanese company). Sony predicted it would sell 5,000 units a month. The company was pleasantly surprised by selling 30,000 units per month during the first few months of the TPS-L2 launch.

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