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101 things in your attic that could be worth a lot of money

163. Vintage Polly Bluebird Pocket

Manufacturer: Bluebird Toys (later Mattel)
original price: US$ 15 to US$ 20*
Worth today:
up to US$ 5,000* (Partytime Stamper)

Polly Pocket toys were small dolls that came with their own assortment of pocket accessories. Although these toys were released in the 1980s and 1990s, they are considered vintage by some collectors. This “vintage” label means that some Polly Pockets can be resold for good money.


The most valuable Polly Pocket toys are those released between 1989 and 1998. One of the most expensive sets is the Polly Pocket Partytime Stamper, which Bluebird (now Mattel) sold in 1992. A Partytime Stamper retails for $ 5,000. If you or your kids loved these old toys, check to see if you still clung to any from that ten year period.

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