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101 things in your attic that could be worth a lot of money

187. Photo Negatives by Ansel Adams

Creator: Ansel Adams
original price: $45 *
Value today: $ 200 million *

Some of the most expensive collectibles in the world were discovered at garage sales, and these old negatives from famed photographer Ansel Adams are no exception. Found at an LA yard sale, experts estimate that these negatives are worth around $200 million.

Ansel Adams' Photography Negatives $200 million @MICHAEL ZHANG / Facebook.com

Ansel Adams (1902-1984) was a landscape photographer who is best known for his black and white photographs of the American West. How his denials ended up at a garage sale is a mystery, but experts in skill, timing and handwriting have authenticated the box of 65 glass plates, confirming that Adams photographed them more than eighty-five years ago. The lucky buyer bought the box, not realizing what he had, for just $45.
Signed copy of Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea"

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