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101 things in your attic that could be worth a lot of money

199. The Birdman Doll

Creator: Christian Bailly
Original Price:
6.25 million dollars*
Worth Today: 6.25 million dollars*

The L'Oiseleur doll, created by Swiss craftsman Christian Bailly, who spent 15,000 hours making his masterpiece, is a million dollar doll. He holds the record for being the most expensive doll in the world. Called “The Bird Trainer,” this figure is made from 2,340 pieces of polished or gold-plated steel, consisting of gears and spring-loaded wheels.

L'Oiseleur Doll @Dark Roasted Blend / Piminterest.com

The doll is four feet tall and comes with a real sword, plus a pair of songbirds, a flute and an embroidered costume taken from the Renaissance period. But what does this six million dollar doll do anyway? When you wind her up with a golden key, the doll plays a flute and plays the song “Marche des Rois” by Georges Bizet. Your bird friends sing along.

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