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101 things in your attic that could be worth a lot of money

220. He-Man: Masters of the Universe – Faker

Manufacturer: Mattel
Original Price: US$ 10-15 *
Worth Today: US$ 200-2,000 *

This action figure not only contains Faker, a character from the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe series, but also a sword and a mini comic. Original copies of this toy, released in 1982, are known to sell for US$ 200-2,000 at auction. Faker was one of the first toys made for the series.

He-Man: Masters of the Universe - Faker @MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE / Pinterest.com

It appeared on shelves a year after the Masters of the Universe line was announced. Faker, for those unfamiliar with the show, is basically the evil version of He-Man. His toy looks just like his MOTU character, with blue skin, red hair, and a tag with robot parts attached to his chest.

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