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101 things in your attic that could be worth a lot of money

148. Beatles Sgt. Pepper's 'Lonely Hearts Club' Vinyl Record

Manufacturer: UK Parlophone
original price: $ 8-12 * (New)
Value today: $ 290.500 *

You can probably get this vinyl for US $ 30 but it won't be the same as this expensive vinyl from Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club is signed by all four Beatles. The rare record sold for $290,500 USD $ at auction to an anonymous Midwestern buyer. The record was estimated to sell for US $ 30,000, so the bid far surpassed that price.

Beatles Sergeant Pepper's 'Lonely Hearts Club' vinyl record © John B Hewitt / Shutterstock.com

The record auction was held by Heritage Auctions in Dallas, Texas. The UK Parlophone record had the original folding vinyl cover and a glossy coating, which is surprising considering it is over fifty years old. The disc was released on May 26, 1967 and subscriptions were taken in June 1967.

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