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101 things in your attic that could be worth a lot of money

268. Nintendo Game Boy

Manufacturer: nintendo
original price: US$ 89.99*
Current value: US$ 200-800*

It will be hard to imagine now, but in 1989, Nintendo's Game Boys were the pinnacle of technology. Everyone loved taking their favorite games with them wherever they went, which made it the most desired Christmas present of the year. Technology has come a long way since then, but collectors are still itching for a piece of gaming nostalgia.

Nintendo Game Boy ©padu_foto/Shutterstock.com

When the handheld console was first introduced, it was priced at $ 89.99. These days, you can find 30-year-old Game Boys on eBay sites for between $$ 200 and $$ 800. That's a lot of money, but if you're an ultimate fan of the game, it's worth it.

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