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The World's Most Valuable Collector's Items

149. Dinosauros Ação Figura

Manufacturer: glasslite
original price: $ 10- $ 15 *
Worth Today: Até $ 750 *

In case you haven't noticed from this list, the 1980s were the heyday of toys. Many different formations were produced. Some were a flash in the pan, while others went on to have a lot of longevity. Dinosaucers fall into the first category, although that hasn't stopped them from being auctioned for hundreds of dollars these days.

Dinosaucers Action Figure @@reactionfigure / Twitter.com

Os Dinosaucers tinham uma série de TV que coincidia com as vendas de brinquedos, mas o show não foi muito bem. A linha de brinquedos, portanto, foi descartada antes que a grande seleção de Dinosaucers fosse lançada. A empresa vendeu os moldes e as patentes para uma empresa brasileira, a Glasslite, que produziu os brinquedos em edições limitadas.

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