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The World's Most Valuable Collector's Items

144. Caixa de cereais do Dallas Cowboys

Manufacturer: General Mills
original price: US$ 3*
Value today: US$ 119*

General Mills introduced Wheaties in 1924, and they were originally called “Washburn's Gold Medal Whole Flakes”. Made from wheat and bran, this cereal would become known for its box. Wheaties boxes often featured high-level athletes, which fit the cereal's "breakfast of champions" theme.

Dallas Cowboys Wheaties Box $ 119 @Dallas Cowboys / Pinterest.com

Uma caixa de Wheaties que foi revendida por $ 100 ou mais apresenta o Dallas Cowboys. Os Cowboys eram praticamente imparáveis nos anos 90, com vitórias no Super Bowl em 1993, 1994 e 1996. Wheaties os colocava na caixa todas as vezes, e essas caixas, com jogadores como Troy Aikman, Daryl Johnson e Emmitt Smith, costumam ser visto no eBay e Etsy.

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