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The World's Most Valuable Collector's Items

127. Isca gigante de cobre gigante Haskell

Manufacturer: Riley Haskell
original price: N/A (not sold commercially)
Worth today: US$ 100,000*

Ironiquement, il y a des appâts de pêche là-bas qui valent plus que votre camion ou votre bateau. L’un de ces appâts est la Giant Haskell Minnow Lure, qui a été vendu pour 100 000 $ lors d’une vente aux enchères. L’appât de 10 pouces a été fait par Riley Haskell, un fabricant d’armes.

Giant Copper Haskell Giant Minnow Lure $ 100.000 @Kathy A Nichols s / Pinterest.com

According to historians, the Haskell bait was the “first American fish-shaped bait” and, because it had a spinning tail, it was also the first “American animated bait” in existence. The Haskell bait patent was issued before the Civil War, in 1859. Riley Haskell branded the Ohio-made bait “R. Haskell” at the end, and this tagging was one of the features that authenticated this treasured piece of history.

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